for manual
Our extension adds a button to bexio's manual booking mask. Clicking on it retrieves the official monthly average exchange rate from the ESTV, based on your selected date, and automatically enters it in the "Exchange rate" field.
for supplier invoice and expenditure
With an additional button in the booking mask, our extension makes working in bexio easier. A simple click and the button fetches the current monthly average exchange rate directly from the ESTV, depending on the selected date, and fills in the exchange rate field for you. This optimizes and speeds up the booking process significantly.

Monthly change in the account sheet
Simply change the month in the account sheet with our buttons "previous month" and "next month"
Activate expert mode for bexio
Import bookings from Microsoft Excel, CSV or Google Sheets as manual bookings into bexio. ESTV monthly average exchange rates integrated. Import invoices as a list and use them to create numerous sales invoices in bexio. Activate the bexio expert mode now and ignite the accounting rocket. 🚀